    Innovation, openness and honesty

    Innovation, openness and honesty

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    • Categories:Support
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    • Time of issue:2020-02-06 09:12
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    (Summary description)钢结构有一个明显的弱点——容易腐蚀。据不完全统计,国内每年因腐蚀而造成的经济损失在400 亿人民以上,每年9000 万吨钢产量中,约30% 被各种形式的腐蚀消耗掉。据不完全统计,定期维护保养的钢结构房屋的经济耐用年限的参考值一般为:生产用房70年,受腐蚀的生产用房50年,非生产用房80年。而钢筋混凝土结构(包括框架结构、剪力墙结构、筒体结构、框架一剪力墙结构等):生产用房50年,受腐蚀的生产用房35年,非生产用房60年。可见,钢结构安装完成后定期的维护与保养的重要性。


    (Summary description)钢结构有一个明显的弱点——容易腐蚀。据不完全统计,国内每年因腐蚀而造成的经济损失在400 亿人民以上,每年9000 万吨钢产量中,约30% 被各种形式的腐蚀消耗掉。据不完全统计,定期维护保养的钢结构房屋的经济耐用年限的参考值一般为:生产用房70年,受腐蚀的生产用房50年,非生产用房80年。而钢筋混凝土结构(包括框架结构、剪力墙结构、筒体结构、框架一剪力墙结构等):生产用房50年,受腐蚀的生产用房35年,非生产用房60年。可见,钢结构安装完成后定期的维护与保养的重要性。

    • Categories:Support
    • Author:
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    • Time of issue:2020-02-06 09:12
    • Views:
    钢结构有一个明显的弱点——容易腐蚀。据不完全统计,国内每年因腐蚀而造成的经济损失在400 亿人民以上,每年9000 万吨钢产量中,约30% 被各种形式的腐蚀消耗掉。据不完全统计,定期维护保养的钢结构房屋的经济耐用年限的参考值一般为:生产用房70年,受腐蚀的生产用房50年,非生产用房80年。而钢筋混凝土结构(包括框架结构、剪力墙结构、筒体结构、框架一剪力墙结构等):生产用房50年,受腐蚀的生产用房35年,非生产用房60年。可见,钢结构安装完成后定期的维护与保养的重要性。
    然而,近些年来的调查发现,一些钢结构用户不知道钢结构还需要维护和保养。以至于出现严重的腐蚀,用户往往发现不了,使得钢构产品出现诸多不安全的隐患,降低了钢结构在使用上的安全性,甚至影响正常使用功能。建议设计单位在钢结构的涂装设计说明中,不仅要提出钢结构的涂装要求, 同时,还要根据它的使用情况提出钢结构的保养与维护要求。在设计说明中应当考虑钢结构在使用过程中的环境因素, 同时也要考虑钢结构使用的时间、年限,然后再确定涂料的品种和涂膜厚度, 以保证钢结构的使用寿命,确定保养维护的时间及保养维护的方法、工艺等, 以确保延长钢结构的使用年限。
    案例1,通过观察发现, 钢结构的锈蚀每年基本以递增的速度成倍增长。第一年为斑状锈点, 然后形成锈点气泡,第二年气泡破裂后在外界的介质催促下开始往纵深处腐蚀, 而后涂层带着氧化铁开始脱落。下面表中列举了某钢结构厂房由于当时除锈不彻底,l0年中没有进行一次防腐维护、保养造成钢结构严重受损的每年腐蚀状况。

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    Chongqing home building materials Intellectual Property Protection Alliance launched

    Chongqing home building materials Intellectual Property Protection Alliance launched

    On the 16th, the Forum on intellectual property protection of Chongqing home furnishing industry was held in juxinmei furniture century city. At the forum, the launching ceremony of "Intellectual Property Protection Alliance of Chongqing home building materials industry association" was held. In addition, more than 40 home building materials enterprises in Chongqing have signed the self discipline Convention on intellectual property protection of Chongqing home building materials industry. It is understood that the home furnishing industry is one of the important industries in the country, and the total market volume occupies a large share of the national economy. However, with the rapid development of the industry, the non-standard competition among enterprises and the lack of intellectual property protection also restrict the further development of home furnishing enterprises, the transformation from "manufacturing enterprises" to "creative enterprises", and the healthy and sustainable development of the industry. After more than ten years of rapid development, Chongqing home building materials industry has entered a critical period of transformation and upgrading, and also encountered many intellectual property problems. The reporter learned from the scene that at the forum, the guests made a wonderful speech on such topics as the current situation and Countermeasures of intellectual property infringement in the home furnishing industry, the guidance and guidance of government departments on the protection of intellectual property rights in the home furnishing industry, and the role orientation of associations and intellectual property service institutions in the protection of intellectual property rights in the home furnishing industry. At the same time, the launching ceremony of "Intellectual Property Protection Alliance of Chongqing home building materials industry association" was also held. In addition, more than 40 home building materials enterprises in Chongqing have signed the self discipline Convention on intellectual property protection of Chongqing home building materials industry, aiming at strengthening the intellectual property protection of members of the alliance, building and cultivating industry brands, improving the original design level and core competitiveness of Chongqing home building materials industry, and promoting the healthy and orderly development of the industry and benign market competition. Yuan Jie, director of Chongqing Intellectual Property Office, put forward a request at the forum that the coordination of administrative departments, associations and enterprises should be strengthened to explore a new mode of intellectual property protection in the field of Commerce and circulation, and the practice of "China Dongguan (furniture) rapid intellectual property protection assistance center" and "Beijing Tianjin Hebei home industry 12330 intellectual property protection service workstation" should be studied to give full play to the "collaborative development" The association will play the role of overall coordination and supervision, and assist government departments in training, guidance, self-discipline mechanism construction and supervision in the protection of industrial intellectual property rights. He said, "intellectual property service organizations should timely intervene in the protection and protection of intellectual property rights in the home furnishing industry, and provide corresponding intellectual property operation, business model and other services."
    Time of issue : 2017-02-28
